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Inner Healer Activation Program

Body - Mind Connection/ Healing/ Balance/ Energy​

Vibrant Health​/ Crossing Boundaries


We all know that a person is not just a physical body.  At  preliminary level, a person consists of physical body, energy body and mind. So if one needs to remain healthy or accelerate the healing from any disease, all these three aspects needs to be worked upon simultaneously. Once you get this point, you will understand that all the healing modalities are complementary.



"A life without health is like a river without water."


-Maxime Lagacé


      Most of the ongoing medical treatments of allopathy and in part for Ayurved and homeopathy are focused on fixing the body.  Therapies like Reiki, Pranik healing, acupuncture, acupressure are focused on the energy body.  And there is nothing wrong with them. They all can heal a person. But this healing can be accelerated by using our very own, easily available tool that we  have – our mind.

"Wellness is the compete integration of body, mind, and spirit – the realization that everything we do, think, feel, and believe has an effect on our state of well-being." 
-Greg Anderson

Physical Body

Energy Body


We all know the immense potential of our mind to make us or break us.  We also know that many so called dis-eases have our destructive mind patterns as one of the major contributing factor.


      Most of us kind of know this information. We are living in best of the times when it comes to health service choices, food choices and information. Then the question is why are we not utilizing it and becoming healthier?

The reason most of us are not using the mind for assisting the healing is because we lack the tools to control our thought patters, to control our emotions. Most of the time mind is controlling us and deciding our thoughts than we consciously choosing them. We have lost the skills to shift our mind focus at our will. Also we have lost the connection to that deeper part of us which knows that the healing is natural.


And that’s exactly what this program will assist you in doing.

This program will help you to -

  • Understand how our mind works

  • Identify the mind patterns which leads to diseases

  • Learn the techniques to break the old limiting patterns and imbibe more empowering patterns

  • Reduce the fear of any so called dis-ease and any treatment thereafter

  • Understand enormous power of our mind to assist us in healing

  • Learn ways to access and get connected to the part of your mind for which healing is easy and natural. 

  • Increase overall happiness level and reduce pain levels if any.



I used to feel like crying, frustrated, low and was not able to concentrate anywhere in my life, which was deteriorating performance level of my personal n professional life too. I was about to visit a psychiatrist. Meanwhile I attended a session of AK. later I had some counselling sessions with him. It really worked. He just changed my belief system. It was amazing. I feel more confident and in charge of my emotions and life. Thanks a lot for a quick recovery of my mind."


- Isha K. , HR Executive


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