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Hello friends,

       A very warm welcome. I am Anand Kulkarni, fondly known as AK. I am  Mind Coach, Trainer & Psychologist. I live with the passion of providing science based, practical and proven techniques, systems and insights to people to positively alter their lives. With the grace of many of my gurus and teachers, I have transformed thousands of lives. 

       Are you looking for living a fulfilled and meaningful life?  Do you want to realize your real potential? Do you want absolute freedom from stress?  Do you want solid health and high energy levels throughout the day? Do you want to enhance your relationships? Do you want to navigate through Mid Life Crisis? 

       Then you are at the right place. 


Anand Kulkarni (AK)

Master's in Psychology, MBA, Certified in NLP, EFT, REBT, Energy Healing etc.

take control of


It is never about what all we have, but it is all about how do we feel.  We may not be able to change our past or control the situations around us, but we can certainly control our emotions and feelings about it. The biggest freedom in life is having the ability to decide which feelings to attach to any situation. And once we are able to do it, we take control back in our hands. It is my passion to give this freedom to the people.   

Few decisions have a potential to change your destiny. Don't keep waiting for the things to happen. Go ahead and make it happen.


Anand is really a transformation guru. His simple yet effective techniques makes the path not just easy but enjoyable. I am glad that I met him. On a personal and professional level, he is helping me zoom past the transformission highway.

Abhijit Deshpande, Director Sarvvaid Software. 


Anchor 1
Embracing new 


We all have immense potential, but for many it remains just as a potential. Once we start converting this  potential in to performance using the right techniques, we start expanding in life. As we start becoming more open and more capable, new possibilities start opening up. This is the real growth. I call myself P3 expert. I enable people to convert their true potential in to performance and also enable them to achieve a very peaceful mind.


driven life.


“If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.”

―Jack Canfield

A purpose helps us, not primarily for achieving big things but more for making the journey much more satisfying and enjoyable. Lets work together to find out why you are here and which path can get your energy flowing. 




AK has helped me tap in to my intuitive consciousness, my true self.  He well and truly understands the mechanism of the human mind. He has helped me to overcome my limiting beliefs and take my life experience to a whole different , better level. I highly recommend him as a personal coach to anyone who is interested in realizing their true potential.

Deepak Guttal, Wellness Coach.

अति विचार आणि तणाव यांच्यापासून मुक्ती 

Let Life



Our life is driven by our core beliefs, core thought patterns and emotional discipline. Once we work on all of these, life starts blossoming in all the areas. May it be relationships, or your finances or business.  We all know that to change the outside, inside has to change. I love helping people to achieve these core shifts. Its looks magical but it is all proven science and spirituality based processes.  

Being a person who was always confident, courageous, who always knew what to do - it was difficult to accept that anxiety was taking it's toll on me. A random thought of talking to AK was the biggest step towards conquering  anxiety. I was in confusion and anxious state for a prolonged period and all it took was a few days to become my happy self again with Anand's guidance. At the end if it all, I told him was - You are rightly named "Anand" because you show us the path to happiness and peace "

Shweta, IT professional


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